SpartaHonor Tuesday, 09.17.2024, 2:55 PM
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»SH« Guidelines

Welcome 2 The »SH« SpartaHonor Clan Gaming Community:)

We are here to help each other in GAMES,PROGRAMS.CHAT.etc

You can play your part by:

a) Wearing Your»SH« TAG In Our Xfire you can do this through XFire/Tools/Options/General or if you Multi-clan visit:
Copy&Paste »SH« (YourName) into Where it says Set Clan Nickname
Then Click Set Nickname. Then Your Xfire will show »SH« (YourName)
(Doing it this way enables Multi-Tagging When u Multi-Clan)
Visit Our News Page for recommended Multi-Clans
To Use The TAG In Games like Halo Follow instructions Below
The ASCII in our »SH« TAG is as Follows
»SH« TAG = (Hold L-Alt Then Dial 175)=(») SH (Hold L-Alt then dial 174)=(«) = »SH«.....
(The numbers under NumLock on keyboard:)
For more on ALT Codes (ASCII Codes) Visit

b) All Members Can Now Recruit (Visit this link & enter the recruits xfire username)
When they accept the Invite show them the above information about »SH« TAG & Xfire.
Remember when sending invites no disrespectful comments to users or clans in the invite pls.

c) Helping With Game Serving, linking & Patching of Free Games (for personal use)
in the hope of bettering Open Source Gaming e.g Haloce,Combat Arms,Star Trek BC....etc
All links on are Googleable:)

We are interested in linking
Free PC Games
Free Single Player Games
Free Multiplayer Online Games
Free Games (OPEN SOURCE) (Links)
& Running Game Servers (At your Expense lol:)
We encourage Map Making\Editing anything creative:)
Recommended Free Games Visit

When we find these Games & Programs we link you to them through our Webpage
We encourage you to Seek out New GAMES for the Gaming Community
& Provide The Links To Members & Gamers alike
You can send the links to for review,
Once reviewed for legal purposes they will then be posted in our webpage.

We are here to provide a service to each other and gamers
In the hope of making games more played & EnjOyeD:)

P.s Wearing the »SH« Tag in Xfire is Paramount, Recruiting, Helping & Game Serving is
Entirely Optional. if u decide to do all of the above you will be a »SH« Mentor

This is to be posted to every member, so if ure already a long time member this is a guideline
to the way we operate in SpartaHonor for Clarity 4u:)
If theres any New News or cool links I will post them to you or you can
SpartaHonor Webpage - (Links Links & more Links:)
SpartaHonor Xfire - (Centre Of Clan Activity)
SpartaHonor News -

All the doors are open.....its up 2 u to walk through them:)

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