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Halo Custom Edition (Free PC-Game)




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So what is Halo Custom Edition Game (HaloCE) you ask? Simply put, it is a new version of HaloPC that is free for all HaloPC owners. This unsupported version of HaloPC is a stand alone Gearbox Software release and is not supported by Microsoft. It offers custom maps and other features.

NOTE: This installation requires that you enter your Halo PC CD Key before you can run the program. (Visit: )

So what is the purpose of Halo Custom Edition Game? The Halo Custom Edition Game was created as a way for Gearbox Software to introduce a new features to Halo PC. The most important of which is the ability to play user created content.

Along with The Halo Custom Edition Game are also a set of tools, tutorials and source art which is called the Halo Editing Kit (HEK). This is a powerful package which will allow users to create their own custom content for The Halo Custom Edition Game.


For Further Help On Halo Custom Edition Visit 

Includes - Halo Custom Edition Server Help, Going Between Different lobbys, Halo Text Fix... etc



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